
IMG_0721With the 2023-24 school year upon us, the level of social stress and anxiety that students are living through is significant. With many, it’s debilitating. The return to social normalcy is not happening as expected. Simple things like grace, respect, empathy, manners, kindness and fundamental character values are missing either deliberately out of anger, or have been abandoned, completely.

Through many educator conversations over the summer, I have decided that the 2023-24 school year will continue to support students and others with a dedicated step-by-step approach on building personal wellness and inner peace relative to their lives, online.

Over the summer, pilot sessions with middle and high-school students asked them to visualize what joy and happiness looked like in their lives and relationships, viscerally and deeply. Their answers were refreshing and had nothing to do with life on their device – but when shown how to link that to their device with intention, the results were remarkable.

This is the work, via assemblies and presentations, or in-class work, that I am bringing to schools this year.

The power and global access that smartphones, tablets and laptops afford us is remarkable. Combining the core message of Digital Intelligence is what has inspired my current work – “Digital Mindfulness and Well-Being.”

Welcome! I am honoured to be able to support your learning journey.
